To Refinish or Replace

I have been doing home improvement for sometime on my current place and other places I have lived. The question I was asking myself on this particular project was should I update and replace my bathroom vanity or try to refurbish it. It is a larger size vanity so I have decided for the time being to keep it and update it. I have sanded and wood filled this weekend. I also have managed to fix my broken paint sprayer so that should make the job easier and hopefully more professional.

One reason I made the decision to save and paint the cabinets is because I am always trying to re-use rather than toss something in the trash and am not sure if this is my last house for a while or if I will move again in the near future. I have already updated half of the bathroom. ( the shower part). This bathroom is straight out of the 60’s. Here is a picture of the vanity that is really not worth saving but I am hoping will blow you away when I am done fixing. (don’t worry the floor and the counter top and sink will be replaced!  More updates on the cabinets and where my project takes me to come!

Look forward for another post about how the update of new tub, tile, and shelf in my shower went along with some tips!

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