
Some of the advantages our clients receive when buying a home:

  • We provide a listing alert service that keeps you updated of all the new listings so you don’t miss out on anything. Buyers can’t depend on home search sites like Zillow, Trulia, etc.  These other search sites are not up to date.  Many times homes sell before they even get listed on these other search sites.
  • We often know about homes before they even go on the market. This is a huge advantage for our clients, especially in our competitive market.
  • We set up showings for the homes you want to preview.
  • We calculate the current market value of a home to make sure you don’t overpay.
  • We will draft a purchase offer with the best terms and conditions to protect you.
  • We can put you in contact with trusted mortgage lenders that are well respected in the Denver market.
  • We will put you in contact with all the right industry professionals to ensure you have a smooth stress-free purchase. (i.e. loan officer, home inspector, insurance agent, contractors, etc).
  • We coordinate transaction procedures to keep everything on track and prevent any costly missteps (i.e. appraisal, final walk-thru, closing, all state regulated disclosures, etc).



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Home Search