Monday Motivation

😊Dreams NOT Fears…😊
I hope you had an amazing weekend!
As always, I like to start the week off right with some words of Motivation…
“Don’t Be Pushed Around By The Fears In Your Mind. Be Led By The Dreams In Your Heart.” Roy T. Bennett..
I hope you have an amazing day and week!
Your Realtor Jennifer Dentry

Monday Motivation

I hope you had an amazing weekend!

As always, I like to start the week off right with some words of Motivation and share a “Motivational Quote and/or Message” that had a positive impact on me and pass it along, just in case you may find it impact-full as well..
Pass It Along: If you know of anyone that could use some “Motivation” in their Life, make sure to pass along the message… You never know how one little message can impact someone’s Life 🙂

OK… Here is the “Monday Motivation” Quote for this week:
“Life will only change when you become committed to your dream than you are your comfort zone.”

5 Reasons Why Housing Will Remain Strong

There was an article in the Colorado Real Estate Journal a few weeks ago written by David Potarf, Executive Vice President of CBRE Capital Markets. He cited several reasons why he believes our real estate market still has many good years left in our boom-

  • Housing formation is running about 26k units a year and we are only building about 24k new housing units.
  • Over 2 million square feet of office space has been recently leased but is not occupied yet. And companies don’t lease more space to store junk. They lease more space as they will soon be hiring more employees. This amount of new leased office space tells me that companies will soon be hiring approximately 15k new employees. But, where will these new employees come from when our unemployment rate is below 3%? Other cities and states will have to fulfill this demand, which then causes more people to move here and this increases demand for residential housing.
  • The youngest Millennial’s are in their early 20s and just starting to reach prime renting ages.
  • And the next generation is nearly as large as Millennials as there are more 12-year-olds than 28-year-olds currently nationally.

Denver has more Gen Z’ers than we do X’ers and all these young people need housing.

Written by: Lonnie Lonnie Glessner

Happy Monday

Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend!

As always I like to start the week off right with some words of Motivation…

“Life Is A One Time Offer, Use It Well”

We get one shot at this life… we must make sure we are using it wisely. Don’t waste time, energy and focus on things that do not matter… but instead focus your time, energy and efforts only on those things getting you one step closer to your dreams!

Have an amazing week and if you need anything please feel free to reach out anytime!

Sincerely, Your Realtor Jennifer Dentry

Monday Morning Motivation

 I hope you all had an amazing weekend!

As always, I like to start the week off right with some words of Motivation and share a “Motivational Quote and/or Message” that had a positive impact on me and pass it along, just in case you may find it impactful as well…

—>>> Pass It Along: If you know of anyone that could use some “Motivation” in their Life, make sure to pass along the message… You never know how one little message can impact someone’s Life 

OK… Here is the “Monday Motivation” Quote for this week:

“Go into the world and do well. But more importantly. Go into the world and do good.”