Best Time to List your Home is….

This story ran in the Denver Post last week and is based on a report from Zillow. They report that in the Denver metro area that the best time to list your home for sale is May 1st-15th as sellers will make 1.1% more on average. I am not so sure about this or how Zillow came to this conclusion. I know last year both median and average sale prices peaked in April. Second, Your Castle Real Estate’s Showings Chart reveals that the number of showings per home maxes out in March or April. Third, usually in May or June the number of new listings peaks.  So, if you are selling your home you want to list (financially anyway) when there are fewer new listings to compete with and when there are more showings per listing. Thus, I would probably list mid-March to mid-April.

(Article courtesy of Lonnie Glessner of Nova Home Loans)

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